Fab Lab ESNE
Av. de Alfonso XIII, 97, Madrid, 28016, Spain
(+34) 915 55 25 28
Lab Details
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Fab Lab ESNE is located in the Madrid-based campus of ESNE, a university center specialized in design. Its main goal is to provide students a place to learn and use digital fabrication machines and processes so they can develop and prototype their designs. Being a school with multiple design degrees (product, graphic and multimedia, interior, fashion and videogame) the Fab Lab is also a meeting point for collaboration between different degrees in order to develop multi-disciplinary projects.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impresión 3D
  • Fresado CNC
  • Producción de circuitos
  • Corte y grabado laser
  • Fresado de precisión
  • Cortadora de vinilo
Alejandro Ulecia
Fab lab Manager
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