Calle Cat José María Serrano, 2, Oviedo, Asturias, 33006, Spain
Lab tags:
We are a group of engineers commited to our community and we want to help people in their day-a-day problems with our know-how. We created in 2019 a maker-space where we can meet our neighbors to share their experiences and problems and applying our knowledge and machines help them.
Our flag is "Learning to think". We use to teaching them on thinking diferent ways to solve their problems and how to use the programs and machines to reach their goals doing his thoughts reality.
We are starting to offer to our children and young people workshops to learn by doing. We create diferent projects to teach them how distribute time on thinking how to solve the problems, choosing the better technlogy to use, designing theirself their solutions and creating them using our diferent machines.
The main purpose of PiMaker FabLab Oviedo is to be a place where people of different branches of knowledge who want an aproach to digital manufacturing can receive an orientation and education in new technologies doing projects in a relaxed and funny atmosphere.
We are in early stage developing our space but our intention is getting as bigger as our community demands and making it available to all who wants to develope his projects using a set of resources compatible with the official FabLab inventory.
Our resources are:
-150m2 divided in 3 places (Workshop, Classroom and Reception)
-130W CO2 Laser Cutter/engraver
-15W Diode Laser Cutter/engraver
-3D Scanners (Sense 2 and Photogrametry)
-OpenBuilds Large CNC Milling Machine
-DIY Mini-CNC Milling Machine
-Cutting Plotter
-FDM 3D Printers (about 14 Cartesian and Delta Machines)
-DLP 3D Printers (Anycubic Photon, 2x Wanhao D7 and Kelant S400)
-HP Designjet Color 3D Printer (Hacked)
-Stratasys BST 3D Printer (Hacked)
-Electronic equipment (osciloscope, irons, lab power supplies, etc...)
The idea is to have an educational space for all ages with open days and free workshops as well as offer space, trainings courses, project courses and use of machinery with membership fees to educational or professional groups.
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?