Chemin des Sports 87, Genève, 1203, Switzerland
Lab tags:
Onl’Fait is the first open educational Fablab in Geneva, a «third place» dedicated to science, technology and society, a space where to work, learn and teach in a collaborative environment. We are interested in cross-cultural programmes in collaboration with other local associations and we offer a portfolio of events and activities that:
- promotes the spirit and mindset shared by scientists and makers: analyse, research, create, modify, problems solve
- encourage inclusion in our community: from children to scientists. We will contribute to share scientific and technological knowledge in an innovative way, by supporting citizen science projects, a worldwide movement to democratise science.
- facilitate science learning by offering hands & minds-on programmes with a special attention to children and disadvantaged communities.
- support the open hardware and software movement to share, take ownership of, and contribute to science and technology knowledge and culture.
- https://twitter.com/FabLabOnlfait
- http://www.onlfait.ch
- http://@onlfaitgeneve (Instagram)
- http://www.facebook.com/pg/onlfait/ (Facebook)
- http://onlfait channel (Youtube)
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten