Haft O Hasht TechShop
No.31, Lashkari Expy, Azadi Sq, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
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The Haft o Hasht Innovation Studio, located at Azadi Innovation Factory, has provided a space for designing and creating innovative prototypes to stimulate creative minds. This studio is designed and equipped based on similar experiences of global research and innovation centres and inspired by Global FABLAB Network.
This space is a platform to boost creativity and collaboration of potential and actual entrepreneurs with appropriate equipment and tools. Moreover, formal experts and mentors will help them to increase their technical knowledge, and to create opportunities for building their prototypes and business marketing.
Our goals:
1) Proper use of specialized and interdisciplinary activities
2) Creating space for ideas, knowledge and industries
3) Making mock-ups and samples
4) Basic education for developing new ideas to introduce them to the business market of specialized fields from elementary to professional educational level.
5) Comprehensive research of methods for physical modelling of objects and new ideas
6) Sending information and reports, smart advertising and content generation

Additionally, this studio is located at Azadi Innovation Factory which adds up to its value since this factory is a hub for start-ups and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, it is approximately 2000 sqm which includes coworking offices, a Fab-Lab, event area, an amphitheatre, a gift shop and a coffee shop.

The audience of the studio is students, children, researchers, businessmen, industrialists, ministries and government agencies, researching and science organizations, and other people interested in technology, research and production.
Provided and available tools and equipment, to facilitate activities, research and sampling, are:
• A Bigrep 3D printer
• Quantum 3D printer
• MakerBot repeater 2
• Laser cutting machine
• Digital storage oscilloscope
• DC Power Supplies
• Digital Multimeter
• And etc.
The Haft o Hasht Innovation Studio includes these projects so far:
• Design and building a retractable ladder
• Design and building modular wooden boxes
• Design and building movable wooden panels as private workstations
• Design and building Iranian Pavilion candidate model at Dubai Expo 2020
• Design and building retractable bridge
• And etc.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printing
  • Laser
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