FabLab Nebrija
Calle Pirineos 55, Madrid, España, 28040, Spain
914521100 fablab@nebrija.es
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The Polytechnic School of the Nebrija University has a Fab Lab, a space dedicated to digital fabrication that, following the spirit of the Fab Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Bits and Atoms, is conceived to “make (almost) anything”. It works as a space where students from different courses can work together, favouring the transmission of knowledge among the students and it’s also used in some of the courses to promote the “Learning by doing”.
The Fab Lab launches open activities for those who, although not linked to the University, have some interest in widening their knowledge in all the processes applicable in a laboratory of this kind. From how to assemble a 3D printer or what to use it for, to activities that bring the lab closer to the children or teens, to specific courses in software…

Lab Capabilities
  • Stampa 3D
  • Fresatura CNC
  • Produzione di circuiti
  • Incisione e taglio laser
  • Fresatura di precisione
  • Taglio vinile
Ricardo Espinosa
Lab Manager
Gabriel Chaves
Fab Expert
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