FabLab Guldborgsund
Nykøbing Falster, Kongensgade 43, Nykøbing Falster, Guldborgsund, 4800, Denmark
Lab Details
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FabLab Guldborgsund opened it's doors in april 2016, and since then we've had a lot of visitors, users and projects. The lab is placed inside (and run by) the Guldborgsund Libraries and a group of it's employees. We've had the Fab Lab Charter up on our walls, since day one and try to use it as a guideline in how the Lab is used and works.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impression 3D
  • Fraiseuses à commande numérique
  • Production de C.I.
  • Découpe/Gravure Laser
  • Fraiseuse de précision
  • Découpe Vinyle
Stine K. Schmidt
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