Presa del Sordo esq. Generalísimo Morelos Col. Valle de los Pinos c.p 56420 La Paz, Estado de México, Estado de México, Estado de México, 56420 , Mexico
Lab tags:
Ciudad Retoño is located in the municipality Los Reyes Acaquilpan La Paz in Estado de México , this municipality has diverse problems, especially those related to social interaction and employment.
This Fablab has been supported by diverse institutions and associations such as Iberoamericana University Puebla, USAid and Cauce Ciudadano.
The goal is to make this fablab a social node where young people could develop ideas in community and provide solutions to their context.
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Precisie frezen
- Vinyl snijplotter