EnCube Labs
B101, Vinayak Riverside,, Raysan Village, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382421, India
+91-90330 04450 rajnair@mit.edu
Lab Details
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The median age of the population in India is 27 years. That is, half of the people of the nation is under 27 years old. That amounts to more than 600 million people or about double the total population of the US. To account for the growing youth population, India needs to create 150 million jobs in the next decade, or about a million new positions every month. Since government or corporations cannot generate such substantial employment, most of these jobs need to be created by startups.

We need an army of innovators and entrepreneurs to develop new products and create these new startups. We need to identify and promote these innovators and entrepreneurs early in their life, so they have enough time to build their enterprises and create jobs and wealth.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printing
  • Circuit production
  • Laser
  • Precision milling
  • Vinyl cutting
Anna Waldman-Brown
Fab Lab Supporter
Rajesh Nair
Chief Mentor
Tapan Betai
Upcoming Events

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