Vasyl Tymoshchuk

Joined almost 7 years ago.

Hi, I am Vasyl.
A designer equips with abilities to design research, product design, industrial design and CAD/CAM integrations.
More than 3 year head of the Industrial Engineering Bureau.
I have extensive experience in the production of electronic circuits and devices. In design and industrial production of housings, assemblies, components. Received education in the field of electronic engineering and process automation. Now I'm writing PhD work in industrial design.

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Vasyl Tymoshchuk updated .buro
almost 6 years ago
Vasyl Tymoshchuk updated .buro
almost 6 years ago
Vasyl Tymoshchuk updated .buro
almost 6 years ago
Vasyl Tymoshchuk updated .buro
almost 6 years ago
Vasyl Tymoshchuk updated .buro
almost 6 years ago
Vasyl Tymoshchuk updated .buro
almost 6 years ago
Vasyl Tymoshchuk updated .buro
almost 6 years ago
Vasyl Tymoshchuk signed up
almost 7 years ago