

The Mak-ER Association is the first regional network that brings together fab labs and makerspaces in Emilia Romagna, integrating them into the ecosystem of regional innovation.
A unique model of its kind conceived as a collector of training services, prototyping and adoption of digital technologies, distributed on a regional scale, to support businesses, the world of education and public administration.

/// Values

All the members of the Mak-ER network recognize themselves in the Fab Charter, the international manifesto of the Fab Labs, and commit themselves to interact with each other at a national and international level.
In June 2017 Mak-ER shared a Charter of Values in which the role of Fab Labs within the ecosystem of regional innovation is explained.

/// Goals

- Fostering a smart, sustainable and inclusive regional growth process based on the use of new technologies;
- Amplify distributed creativity through knowledge sharing and the use of digital technologies and processes;
- Create a first experience of a regional model that can be replicated.


San Giovanni in Persiceto, Bologna, Italy IT
FabLab Valsamoggia
Valsamoggia Loc. Monteveglio, BO, Italy IT
Fab Lab Makers Modena
Modena IT


state workflow

MakeRN FabLab
Rimini, Italy IT

state workflow
Ravenna, RA, Italy IT

state workflow

Pieve di Cento, Emilia Romagna, Bologna, Italy IT

state workflow

MakeInBo - FabLab Bologna
Bologna, BO, Italy IT