26 E Main St, Norton, MA, 02766, United States of America
Lab tags:
Wheaton College, located in Norton MA, is home to a network of FabLabs each hosting a different set of tools and materials. The central FabLab is representative of the most familiar aspects of maker culture and is a good place for newcomers to experience hands on design for the first time! Located in the Science Center, it is home to a laser, nine 3D printers, a 3D scanner, vinyl cutter, CAD design software and hardware, and more. The FabLab is conveniently located next the FabShop, which houses a 5-axis and a 3-axis milling machine, a PCB mill, and a variety of wood and metal working tools. Across campus in Watson Center for Fine Arts is the FiberLab equipped for textile work; home to a digital Jacquard loom, a variety of sewing machines and surgers, and a Viking digital embroidery machine. The VR/AR Lab located in Meneely 201, is Wheaton’s primary multimedia space. Here students, faculty and staff experiment with art, technology and making using devices such as the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headset or cutting edge Tobii eye tracking technology. Classes from all disciplines make use of the space, particularly those in the humanities as they bridge the gap between traditional and newer methods of study. This lab is also equipped with two 85″ LED monitors and a high performance computer desktop. Adjacent to this space is the Film and Video Edit Lab which houses several iMacs with the full power of the Adobe Creative Suite.
- https://mkdunaway.github.io/
- https://www.instagram.com/wheatoninnovationspaces/
- https://wheatoncollege.edu/academics/special-projects-initiatives/innovation-spaces/
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting