Bahnhofstrasse 42, Entlebuch, 6162, Switzerland
Lab tags:
JouleHub is laboratory, located in Wolhusen (LU), of electronics and prototypes where people and companies can work together to create projects. It is a technology training and sharing center.
Our basic principles are:
1. The innovation: in JH we have some innovative projects.
2. The informations sharing: the informations, patents and projects will be shared to be available for all
3. The training: with it people can learn the know how improving their knowledges.
Our main idea is to give to all companies the possibility to outsource the "Search and Development" sectors, avoiding the business risks.
We want to realize the following projects:
1. To partecipate at the "World Solar Challenge"
2. To create the first Formula-E team composed not only by experts but also by Universitarian students, so that they can improve themselves through the training on job.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting