Ульяновск, Ульяновск, 432000, Russian Federation
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Our logo with a three words fully reflects the whole process of our work A young man is, who came to us from a technical idea gets all the possibilities for its implementation and further development. Let me tell you how it works.
Young people come to us with an idea, in the process of communicating with the experts of the center finds ways and means to implement it with the help of available technology, komptentsy and equipment. We help him every step of the work, the idea of creating a project and when it - the idea is ready for implementation - we help in design, 3D scanning, prototyping and machining of all elements of the project - implementing the second paragraph of our motto - engineering. When the project is ready to test and passed the test - we help with the paperwork on the grant competitions for comfort and further development and commercialization of ideas in the future knowledge-intensive innovative business project.
All our projects on: http://incarnation.pro
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling