R. Quatá 200, Vila Olimpia, São Paulo, São Paulo, 04546-042, Brazil
Lab tags:
Founded in 2014, Insper FabLab follows the standard academic FabLab. This means the lab hosts academic courses and students developing projects. These activities varies from a set of hands on instruction agenda to short term experiences inside lab (3h long). Insper FabLab main public are the engineering school students, but it is open to all students and staff all the time. OpenDay happens once a week (most week of the year) on Thursdays from 13h to 19h. Please, check www.insper.edu.br/fab-lab/ for updated information if you want to visit us.
Insper FabLab aims to help students and teachers develop class activities, projects and prototypes. It also hosts alumni and community members while they develop their own projects. Extracurricular activities as machine building and robot design are also hosted for students’ groups.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting