Av. São Vicente, 785, IFRS - Farroupilha campus, room 209A, Farroupilha, Rio Grande do Sul, 95174274, Brazil
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IdeaLab is a fablab and maker space located at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) - Farroupilha Campus.
Founded in 2018, it is the first accredited fablab in the Serra Gaucha region. Our goal is to democratize access to knowledge and tools so that people can materialize and share their projects.
We have 3D printers, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, CNC router, PCB prototyping machine, a complete electronics workbench, among other tools and materials that can be freely accessed by the community.
- Impresión 3D
- Fresado CNC
- Producción de circuitos
- Corte y grabado laser
- Fresado de precisión