Via Grotte Bianche, 112, Catania, 95129, Italy
Lab tags:
Hackspace Catania is based on the 'hack' concept, on a deep analisys to re-design a system to let it work in a way not foreseen by its first creator.
The Hackspace can be considered as a community's place that embeed both workshop and art studio's elements, where meets, share tools and knowledges and improve technical and artistical skills.
Hackspace Catania is in slow and constant expansion.
Right now it's divided in three main areas:
- Meetig Zone: for meetings, seminars, courses, cineforums, recreational events, debates, exhibitions and many others activities.
- Workshop Zone: equipped to woodworking, metalworking, sew, solder, treat plastics and chemichal.
- Creativity Zone: to work on personal or shared projects, equipped with 2 3d printers, CNC mill, audioboot, still life screen, cromakey, and a relax zone dedicated to retrogaming with Commodore 64, Amiga 1200 and Mame.
Hackspace Catania offers a variety of courses like compositing video, sound design, 2d animation, 3d printing, Arduino and base of electronics, videomapping, 3D modeling, and many others are in the planning.
Among the activities we have also:
- NightHack, a monthly meeting to confrontation about technological topics starting from hw or sw projects.
- Press Start, a monthly meeting dedicated to retrogaming, lan party, role and board game.
- Filmhackers to talk about tech starting from movies.
- Hack jam, every three months, 48 hours of immersive DIY activities in side structures to partecipate to mini courses and collaborative workshops, sharing resources, spaces and time hacking things.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Präzisionsfräsen