Av. Prof. Roberto Frade Monte, 389, Barretos, São Paulo, 14783-226, Brazil
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*We are making faceshields and dental vacuum cleaners for Covid Response* On the night of Tuesday, November 6th, the official inauguration of FEB 360 ° - Future, Entrepreneurship, Barretos / Brazil, the new UNIFEB project arrives to make the first Barretos Maker Space available to the academic community and the region's population. FEB 360 ° is part of the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Center (NIEN) and is where ideas and projects are planned, tested and put into practice. UNIFEB dean Sissi Kawai Marcos said the FEB 360º concept is not restricted to Space Maker, but goes beyond. “Our mission is to prepare our students for the challenges of the increasingly digital world, we have sought to create an environment for learning to be meaningful, transformative and innovative. The Maker Space is part of this environment, is where students, teachers and the Barretos community can rehearse, test, produce, put into practice all these concepts. We will take another step soon and become part of the Fab Lab network. ”. Here we have in addition to the basic machines for assembling a Fab Lab, hand tools such as drills, screwdrivers, sanders, bench drills, saws, pliers, wrenches and electronic circuit assembly equipment.
- http://www.feb360.com.br
- http://www.unifeb.edu.br
- https://www.facebook.com/feb360/
- https://www.instagram.com/feb360_/
- http://unifeb.edu.br/feb360/
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?