FabLab d'Alsace-Nord
30 rue du Maire André Traband, IUT de Haguenau, Haguenau, 67500, France
+33 3 88 05 34 12 iuthag-fan@unistra.fr
Lab Details
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A Fab Lab is a workshop where you can make objects of all kinds using tools previously reserved for the industry world. People come to share space, skills and knowledge, with the aim of designing and building useful objects and innovative projects.
The FAN is open to all: the curious | tinkerers | creators | designers | inventors | engineers | retirees | students | artists | craftsmen | entrepreneurs...
The aim is to bring together a community with an overflowing imagination and varied profiles to carry out more ambitious projects and, why not, respond to the challenges of our time, such as sustainable development and energy transition and sobriety.
The FAN is open to the General Public every Tuesday from 14:00 to 20:00 CET. At 18:00 we organize an activity around the FabLab and other Maker topics. The general public can also book to come anytime during the opening hours of the IUT de Haguenau.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D-Drucken
  • CNC-Fräsen
  • Leiterplattenherstellung
  • Laserschneiden/-gravieren
  • Schneideplotten
FabLab IUT Hagenau
Head of Industry 4.0 and FabLab
Upcoming Events