Gral Cruz 222, ValparaÃso, ValparaÃso, 2362905, Chile
Lab tags:
The FabLab UV belongs to the University of Valparaiso, located in the city of Valparaiso, in Chile. Our main objective is to create an interdisciplinary innovation ecosystem that links the school and university environment with the community of the region. We are located in the faculty of engineering of the University, in a space of approximately 110 m2, where we have nine 3D printers, a laser cutter, a small drill and CNC lathe, electronic tools and components, development cards (arduinos, beaglebone and raspberry Pi), lego mindstorms robots, and carpentry tools (drills, dremel, presses, pliers, saws, screwdrivers, etc.)
We have been working with schools in the region for three years, where children come to our fablab once a week throughout the year to learn different areas of digital manufacturing. Also our space is used to carry out projects of the subjects of some careers (mainly in computer engineering, biomedical engineering, design and architecture, but also students from other careers come). Other university students come to carry out their degree or research projects. In addition, we participate in different initiatives with the community, such as digital literacy workshops for older adults, science and technology talks for children, and participation in scientific fairs.
Finally, we are also in communication with other FabLabs. This year we organized an event called VALPO LAB (www.valpolab.cl) where several exhibitors told about their experience in different projects in which they had used digital manufacturing.
- https://twitter.com/fablabuv
- https://www.instagram.com/fablabuv/
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabuv/
- http://fablab.uv.cl
- 3D printing
- Laser
- Precision milling