Antônio Dib Mussi, 366 Centro, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina , 88015 110 , Brazil
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FabLab Unisul is currently introducing the digital fabrication culture and the maker movement inside the academic environment. We are conducting workshops, events, research projects and other activities, which provide interdisciplinarity and create spaces of sociability between the university and other educational institutions, laboratories, businesses and the community as a whole.
The goal of FabLab Unisul is being Institucional. We are buying new equipment and capturing resources, in addition to the remoduling of spaces and existing concepts on the way of thinking of democratization of the use and sharing of materials and information. We already own a Laser Cut machine and a small 3D Printer, courtesy of partners, as well as projects in outer spaces with the CNC Router.
- 3D printing
- Laser