Eeronkuja 4, Raisio, 21200, Finland
Lab tags:
Fab Lab Raseko in City of Raisio (Finland) is owned By Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (Raseko). Raseko is a regional vocational education and training providor. Our Lab is focused on education and community. Lab promote the use of digital technology in the making art, small scale production and prototyping new idea. Lab is also targeted to help realizing projects that otherwise wouldn’t happen and help realize passions and skills that take creative projects to even higher levels.
We are co-operating with University of Turku and our core expertise(s) are assisting user in transferring from hobby based creativity to making a living from creativity. We are also compining Fab Lab Raseko with visual art, vocational education and training. Learning By doing (making) is our main pedagogical method.
In our Lab we are executing different kinds of projects:
- Technology pilots
- R&D development projects (prototype development)
- Collaboration in education (cross-sectoral; Higher education, upper-secondary education, secondary and elementary education). LEGO Education and basics for programming is offered for elementary education by our own students.
- Maker (art and teachnology) didactics
In our Fab Lab Raseko we have competencies that can contribute with other projects:
- Educational expertise
- Electrical engineering
- Programming
- Handicraft (textile, metal, wood and ancient technology)
- Strong design/artist presence
- Commercialization of ideas (from idea to business)
- Facilitation workshops
We would like to participate projects:
- Training and educating future value creators (across the World) – Establishing training and education in hands – on approaches to idea creation, validation and commercialization
- Cross-sectoral cooperation (higher education and upper secondary education or upper secondary level with elementary education level)
- New ideas creation with world of work (companies)
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting