Strada Naviglio Alto, 4/1, Parma, Emilia Romagna, 43125, Italy
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On/off Fablab Parma is a very young (open in April 2014) and very active mini fablab. We have been helped by Francesco Bombardi and Fernando Arias of the Fablab Reggio-Emilia, Andrea Danielli of Make in Italy association and Massimo Menichinelli of Make in Italy CDB fundation Onlus. After visiting several Fablabs in Italy (Fablab Torino, Fablab Reggio-Emilia, MakeinBo) and done our homework of studying several fablab in Europe (Fablab Barcellona, Aalto Factory, etc) we decided that it was time to open a Fablab in Parma.
ON/OFF Fablab Parma is a brainchild of "ON/OFF Officina di Coworking" which is a innovative service of the office of the Mayor of Parma and it is managed by "Gruppo Scuola" in collaboration with the Association of Social Promotion ON/OFF.
ON/OFF is a three stages project divided in CO-MAKE-SELL: COWORKING - FABLAB - MAKER'S SHOP.
The Coworking opened its doors on the 23rd of November 2013with the main goal to promote an aggregation point of freelancers and Startups. Currently we have people from different sectors from webdesigners, software engineers, film makers, journalists, writers, illustrators, graphic designers, European funding researchers, app developer, etc.
Recently On/off partner also with an incubator (Parma-in)for Start-ups.
The different skills has created an environment rich of creativity and sparked new business opportunity for the professionals working there.
The help of the local government of Parma has been essential to help the growing of the project, since they helped giving the use of the location were at the moment the Coworking if base and where the Fablab has a place to live. The Fablab is looking for a bigger place since we are growing in number of associated and in number of Tools at the disposal of the community.
On/Off is also a universe made of space for artist to expose their work, for designer to create their clothes to the several workshops we have done till now.
WE are very weary and it is of paramount importance to educate for this we work together with local schools and showing the interesting world of the 3d Printing, or with coderdojo teaching the beauty of coding software to young kids.
We are doing several courses to introduce the 3D printing revolution open to everyone and we are in the process to work on a new calendar of workshops starting in September/October 2014.
We are part of the "virtuous network" it's a network of organization who manage to be in continuos connection with the local people, being self-sustainable and create a link between the people and the territory where they live.
The coworkers and fabbers give back to the community as volunteer on several social projects, this is part of the mission we agree when we enter in ON/OFF Coworiking and Fablab and this is the reason the price of admission to use the services is lower than other places, because we give back to the community of Parma.
At the moment we fulfilled only two stages of the project: the Coworking and the Fablab. At the moment we are working on the next phase, thus the Maker's shop, where the digital manufacturing artisan and artist will have a physical place where to sell their creations and where the services of the Coworking and the Fablab will be offered to the local community.
We are young in respect of other Fablab but we are very lucky since we have a great community with amazing competences.
At the moment we are working on implementing a robotic hand within the Fablab and We aim with one of the group to research and produce a low cost prosthesis arm and hand and tools for disabled people.
We are working on an original 3D Printer the Coobot of one of our group 3DPR.
We are working on how to create objects with 3D printers to help Blind people in the museum to recognize and touch a smaller version of a statue for example, this is done by the 3D ArcheoLab group.
We have already partecipated and show our project during:
- Torino Mini Maker Faire;
- Rome Maker Faire;
- New York Maker Faire;
- 3D Print Hub profesional faire in Parma (Mecspe) and in Bologna (Exposanità );
- R2B part of Smau in Bologna;
- FAB10 Barcellona.
In the Fablab we have the following groups:
- Biohacking in collaboration with Fabiana Ciciriello;
- Fablab kids (for kids from 4 to 14 years old) with Michela Grasselli and "Le quattro Mani";
- Heritage Lab in collaboration with 3D ARCHEOLAB and Giulio Bigliardi;
- Wearable and Fashion technology.
Last but not least we are part of Mak-ER the regional network of Fablabs of the Region Emilia Romagna. (www.mak-er.it)
Check us on our facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/812564322106814/
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