Forum 9, CC binder-Studio Lab, Puurs, Antwerpen, 2870, Belgium
Lab tags:
FabLab Klein-Brabant was founded by 5 people in the region of Klein-Brabant (Bornem-Puurs & Sint-Amands). It's located in the triangle between Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent and can reached easily by approximately 30000 people within a 10 minute drive. FabLab Klein-Brabant is quite unique in the sense that it doesn't depend on funding from any educational or governmental institution (meaning that it can easily make it's own choises without the need of approval of several different parties). The headquarter of the fablab is hosted in Puurs in the cultural center CC Binder on the second floor (Studio Lab). The FabLab is open on wednesday and friday evenings. The FabLab is in the posession of the following equipment:
3 laser cutters (FSL Muse (40W, 30x50), chinese K40 (40W, 20x30) and chinese redsail (100W, 50x70)),
6 3d-printers (4 FlashForge Finders 14x14x14, 2 anet A8 22x22x23),
44" HP plotter,
2 A3 printers,
3 vinyl cutters (ScanAndCut, 44" cutter, 22" cutter),
Toyota sewing machine,
a small conventional lathe,
a small cnc lathe (Emco 5),
a small cnc mill for metalworking,
a small cnc mill for woodworking,
a tendotools panelsaw,
woodworking powertools (drillpress, belt sander, orbital sander, sliding miter saw, jigsaw, ...),
Handtools (all kinds of ...),
A lot of electronics equipment (oscilloscopes, power supplies, logic analyzers, reflow oven, lots of components and experimantation equipment, ...),
Fully equiped sets of microbits, arduino uno, raspberry pi, ...
A fully equiped classroom for up to 25 students.
FabLab Klein-Brabant has worked together in the past with the mulicipality of Puurs, ESA's ESERO education department, center for eduaction and learning CVO Rivierenland, GO! scholengroep Rivierenland, LAB!-school Sint-Amands, Basisschool De Krinkel Ruisbroek, ...
We hope to welcome you soon in FabLab Klein-Brabant!
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision
- Découpe Vinyle