2F, 9-13 Jungang-ro 160 beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju, Korea (Republic of)
Lab tags:
The programs for the public that we offer includes
- Special session:
1Day Class for beginners
ex) acrylic keyring, acrylic mood light, make somthing as 3D pen, make waterball include "shrinkles" and the other 1Day class session
- Daily session:
teaching how to use digital fabrication tools including a laser cutter, 3D printer.
- Monthly workshop:
focused to a specific that is related to open-source hardware and software such as Arduino, open-source drone and various DIY projects.
- Bi-monthly forum:
share and introduce emerging technology that has an impact on our society by inviting professionals in the field.
- Special session:
A 6-week-long program that allows the public to prototype their idea that involves digital fabrication process. Each individual is encouraged to make whatever they want and we provide professional assistance during the process.
- Yearly hacker-thon:
we host hacker-thon mainly focused on "AI & IoT"
Anyone can join the programs that we offer and use the required tools depending on the condition or program at no charge.
The goal of this lab is to spread maker culture in this city by providing free access to the tools and also giving an opportunity to make and share their own creation.
*Tool list*
#Section1: 9-13 Jungang-ro 160 beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju
1. 3D Printer : Pinter A8-300 - Creality3D® CR-10 similar model/ FDM/ bedsize : 300mm x 300mmx 300mm
2. 3D Printer : Form 2 - Formlabs / SLA / bedsize : 145mm x 145mm x 175mm
3. 3D Scanner : Sense2 - 3D Systems / Scanner / scan size: 0.2m x 0.2m x 0.2m ~ 2m x 2m x 2m
4. Laser Cutter : LaserfixKorea - Xcut1390 / bedsize : 1300mm x 900mm
We serve to everyone that many kind of hand tools and place where to make anything.
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVwUFmKljil_dPnNEKPUNlQ
- https://www.instagram.com/fablab_gj/
- https://blog.naver.com/fablab_gj
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabgwangju/
- http://www.open-lab.co.kr
- 3D printing
- Circuit production
- Laser