Fab Lab Falconara Officine Idea Project
Via del Commercio, 4, Falconara Marittima, Ancona, 60015, Italy
Lab Details
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Apart from tools and machines, users of Fab Lab Falconara can have access to specific knowledge, experience and skills within FabLab.
Experienced professionals but also other passionate people follow the part of the laboratories and provide all their know-how.
So the tools, the machines, the experiences and the knowledge are shared.
Offering access to machines is a service, the training offer is a service, consultancy is a service, object repair is a service.
This is why joining a Fab Lab means supporting small costs.
The FabLab also devotes its space and equipment to the organization of courses, workshops and assistance services aimed at the curious, inventors, small businesses and freelancers, open source spaces where they share knowledge.
Do not forget, outside, the large garden of 200 square meters.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printing
  • CNC-Milling
  • Laser
  • Precision milling
Tiziano Tiranti
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