FabLab FAJ
SP-340, km 127,5, Jaguariúna, São Paulo, 13820-000, Brazil
Lab Details
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The Fab Lab FAJ is an Educational Fab Lab installed at the Faculty of Jaguariuna - Brazil. It's focused on the promotion of social responsibility of students and community education.
The institution has over 6000 students in your courses, and each course offers at least one social responsible education project to community. In 2015, the number of attendences in the community exceeded 200,000 (See details in:
Thus, the Fab Lab FAJ is a tool in development of these projects, with the expansion of effective participation of students and neighborhood inside of the Faculty, in order to promote the empowerment of people to new skills and ensure the sustainability of the entire community.

Lab Capabilities
  • Stampa 3D
  • Fresatura CNC
FabLab FAJ
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