Comodoro Rivadavia, Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina
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This project started in Santiago de Chile during FAB13 from the brains of Marina Villelabeitia and Romain Di Vozzo. Marina is a patagonian Architect and Designer based in Rada Tilly, Comodoro-Rivadavia, Argentina. Romain is an INRIA R&D Engineer, Fablab Director and Artist based in France where he runs Fablab Digiscope, on Le Campus Paris-Saclay. Marina and Romain have decided to team-up (again) to start the Fablab Patagonia Network and the Fablab Comodoro-Rivadavia (from scratch). Marina will lead the development of the network and the fablab locally from Comodoro-Rivadavia and Romain will assist her remotely on every necesary aspect to make this project happen. The idea here is to bring patagonian talents (natives and imported ones) to collaborate on bringing a more sustainable life-style through the valorization of (massive) local wastes from fisheries, as well as introducing new publics - citizens, artisans, students, entrepreneurs, startups, researchers - to design technics and Digital Fabrication Processes. Global Warming has started to create uncommon issues in places like Comodoro-Rivadavia where tons of clay have flowed into the houses following torrential rains. What about creating a distributed patagonian fablab network to 3D print clay, to make fabric out of fish-skins, to experiment with Sheep breeding and the wool and the leathers, to connect this so-called "End of the World" area to the rest of the world by offering distributed education programs in Digital Fabrication, in Biology and Fashion Design ? With the proximity of the Chilean Patagonia, transnational collaborations can be set up to contribute to the dynamics with Argentina. This project has a potential. Wanna join ? Let's give it a try.