1480/1 , Sector 43-B Chandigarh, Sector 43-B, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, 160043, India
Lab tags:
Fablab Chandigarh is currently the active node realised for the Fab Lab Chandigarh Network (Chandigarh, Panchula, Mohali) and the only full fledged academaby node FabLab in North India.Dedicated to bringing down operational costs and helping bring access to R&D for other organisations, its main motive is to see the power of digital fabrication reach out to target audiences envisioned by the sponsoring organisations of such FabLabs. At Fablab Chandigarh, we believe each organisation wanting to delve into digital fabrication as our friend and an opportunity for result oriented collaborations.
The Future planned infrastructure of Fablab Chandigarh is as follows:
Planned Mobile Lab: India's first mobile fablab is planned to launch itself mid 2025 based out of Chandigarh with plans to put up 3 month each@ across Chandigarh, Punjab and Haryana. The lab is going to feature expandable spaces and mainly responsible for bringong access to state of the art technologies into the 3 Nothern states of India. Our team of Fab Instructors, OEMs and Researchers help takeover the daunting task of setting up and procurement of Fablab Inventory and getting them into the network through managing the training of their staff.
- http://Direct Contact for Fab Lab activities fablabchandigarh@gmail.com
- https://www.instagram.com/fablabixc/
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabchd/
- Stampa 3D
- Fresatura CNC
- Produzione di circuiti
- Incisione e taglio laser
- Fresatura di precisione
- Taglio vinile