FabLab Burgos
Calle Doctor José Luis Santamaría s/n, Burgos, Burgos, 09001, Spain
Lab Details
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We are a group of people commited to our city and we want to share with the community our technological knowledge. We want to create an environment where we can meet our neighbors to share the experience of making things, to imagine and create together what goes through our mind, to share what we learn and to help others to make their thoughts realility . We want to offer our children and young people the opportunity of learning by doing, to teach them how to spend time creating, to help them to reach their limits and to show them how a better world can be made sharing knowledge inside a non-boundaries community.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D-Drucken
  • Präzisionsfräsen
  • Schneideplotten
Eduardo Elua Samaniego
FabLab Burgos P.R. Manager
Ricardo Fernandez Ordoñez
FabLab Burgos Technical Manager
fernando Rios monge
Responsable del área de electrónica/arduino
Fernando Feijoo García
Fab Lab Coordinator
Upcoming Events

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