Havnegade 11, Marstal, 5960, Denmark
Lab tags:
In October 2019 we set up FabLab Aeroe, a prototype of the inventor's lab we will establish as soon as the physical space is ready in the northern end of the factory. Our activities are multiple: an open FabLab night once a week, where we teach CAD, CAM, coding, machine handling and innovative techniques. The participants are between 9 and 78 years old and most are female. The workshop nights are intended to foster a culture of experimentation and curiosity that attracts both private and business users. We also provide at teaching environment for the local public school, the local highschool and the local Maritime Academy. Finaly we produce prototypes and small series for local commercial companies.
Being situated at a small island with only 6000 inhabitants it is a main issue to demonstrate that also communities far from the main cities has a development potential.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling