620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, 20064, United States of America
Lab tags:
CUArch Fab lab serves CUA students, faculty as well as architects, artists, makers, designer to develop their projects, study new materials and technologies. In addition to our laser cutting and CNC rooms, we just implemented our 3D Printing room and now we offer several 3D Printing technologies, from DLP to FDM, from Zcorp Powder to SLA.
- http://architecture.cua.edu/resources/fabrication-labs.cfm
- https://instagram.com/cuarchfablab/
- https://www.facebook.com/cuarchfablab
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten