The Brandeis School of San Francisco, 655 Brotherhood Way, San Francisco, CA, 94132, United States of America
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Our acronymic names, CREATE (Creativity, Reflection, Exploration, Awe, Tinkering, Entrepreneurship) + BUILD (Build, Understand, Innovate, Learn, Discover) provide the lexicon for our unique work.The CREATE space reimagines tinkering in the context of Jewish education. At Brandeis, tinkering—the practice of using and reusing materials and objects to explore and understand the world—brings the creative and interpretive practices of Judaism into the physical world. Using the design thinking approach—a method that allows students to first identify the problem and question at hand and then to creatively resolve problems and create solutions—students dream, shape, invent, and adapt. For example, they may repurpose recyclable materials into art, create prototypes of new models for urban agriculture, or deconstruct haggadot (Passover prayer book) as a way to imagine new user experiences.

The BUILD space is the center of making and fabrication at Brandeis. Prototypes created in the CREATE space move from drafts to presentation-worthy models. In the process, students work with new materials and become leaders in peer-led learning. Laser cutters, 3D printers, and woodworking tools open up new avenues for expression and exploration. The process of design thinking is ever present, since creating leads to building and includes feedback and new ideas.

Lab Capabilities
  • Stampa 3D
  • Fresatura CNC
  • Incisione e taglio laser
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