Lakeside B12, Klagenfurt, Carinthia, 9020, Austria
Lab tags:
The Smartlab Carinthia was opened 2019 on the FH-Carinthia. It is equipped with prototyping machines like 3D-Printers, Laser Cutter, Vinyl Cutter, Elektronic Workbench. It is an open to public window of FH-Carinthia in the Spirit of the Fab Lab foundation.People are invited to use facilities for implementing and realizing their ideas and prototypes. The speciality of Smartlab Carinthia is, that it is linked to the the inhouse Innovation lab. Together with this facility the whole process from Innovation to Protoyping shall be rapidly realizable according to the workflow described by the workflow from Theory U by O. Scharmer. There shall be mainly four user groups. Private Users, Students, Staff and Industrial Users. The design and choice of machines was inspired by the original idea of one of the first fablabs, if not the first one, by Neil Gershenfield in 2005.
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Découpe Vinyle