Kirchfidisch, Hauptstrasse 8, Kirchfidisch, 7512, Austria
Lab tags:
The OpenLandLAB is an Open Source Hot Spot, FabLAB, Hackerspace/Makerspace in the heart of Europe.
We are building garages for the Dreamicon Valley concept.
Coming from smart cities, we try to establish smart county and build bridges.
Using the potentials of rural areas could lead to a renaissance of local production.
Open spaces for artists in residence, creatives, activists will be the soil for technical- and social- open innovation, startups and entrepreneurs.
The members of OLL are maker, artists, DIY activists, and a lot of open minded people.
As changemaker we want to find new and better solutions with the spirit of cooperation instead of competition.
In NEXT LEVEL Meetups, Barcamps, Workshops, we hack on permaculture, future farming and our destiny.
- Fresado CNC