FabLab, RUET
RUET Area, Rajshahi, 6204, Bangladesh
Lab Details
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This Fabrication Laboratory will be housed in Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology that will provide an open access to the students. A 3D printer, a CNC milling and laser cutter will be purchased in order to design and manufacture various products. Training and workshop will be arranged to prepare teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, community people for meeting the innovation challenges for designing and developing products. Open community access to Fab Lab will enable the people to create a variety of objects of their own design. To share latest developments, resources and opportunities network will be developed with others national and international Fab Labs. Through idea competition, innovative ideas for the projects will be selected. Finally, the projects will be completed with the help of fabrication lab.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impressão 3D
  • Usinagem CNC
  • Produção de circuitos
  • Corte Laser/Gravação
  • Para quem é voltado o
Mohammad Shahed Hasan Khan Tushar
FabLab Subproject Manager
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