42 Wolfsburg FabLab
Porschestraße 2c, Wolfsburg, 38440, Germany
+491623358209 max@42wolfsburg.de
Lab Details
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We are 42 Wolfsburg!
A coding school based in Wolfsburg Germany. As a part of our school and location, we opened up a FabLab for everyone to join.

The FabLab will provide maker tools like laser cutters, 3D printers as well as prototyping, analysis and specialized development equipment for automotive technology projects like sensors, controllers, engines, dashboards, etc. We want to provide an open ecosystem where you can build all kinds of maker projects and learn with peers about anything you want. That said, we will put one special focus on all things automotive and mobility ecosystems.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impresión 3D
  • Corte y grabado laser
  • Cortadora de vinilo
Jeffrey Koopman
FabLab Support
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