Nadine Tuhaimer

Joined over 7 years ago.

A Computer Engineer graduated from University of Jordan, currently the technical manager of Jordan’s first fabrication laboratory, FabLab Irbid.
As a passionate maker, I decided to study the Fab Academy (How to make almost anything) program that originated from MIT and I am currently the instructor for the 2019 cycle of the same program.
Believing in the importance of spreading the maker movement across Jordan & the Middle East, I lead the educational aspect of the FabLab Irbid to promote the learning through doing methodology through the different educational programs provided by the lab.

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Nadine Tuhaimer updated Fab Lab Irbid
about 3 years ago
Nadine Tuhaimer updated Fab Lab Irbid
over 3 years ago
Nadine Tuhaimer updated Fab Lab Irbid
over 5 years ago
Nadine Tuhaimer updated Fab Lab Irbid
over 5 years ago
Nadine Tuhaimer was added as Technical Manager at Fab Lab Irbid
over 5 years ago
Nadine Tuhaimer applied to be listed as an employee at Fab Lab Irbid
over 5 years ago
Nadine Tuhaimer signed up
over 7 years ago